How Does A Memorial Provider Impact Headstone Cost And Quality?

April 28, 2022

How Does A Memorial Provider Impact Headstone Cost And Quality?

As a reputable headstone maker, in our opinion, one of the best ways to cherish and remembera life well-lived is through the incorporation of a headstone into the final resting place of your loved one.

Falling into the hands of an unprofessional memorial company often results in numerous quality issues and unplanned costs, which ultimately render the process of erecting a memorial frustrating. This blog will provide you with an insightful overview of how your choice of a memorial provider can impact the cost and quality of the headstones you purchase.

The Effects Of Choosing The Wrong Memorial Provider

When it comes to purchasing memorial headstones, you have many options to choose from. From well-established memorial companies to simple e-commerce stores, you can purchase your memorial from numerous vendors. However, it is imperative to remember that not every provider can offer you the same level of quality assurance, customization options, convenience, peace of mind, and customer service. The memorial provider you choose will directly or indirectly affect the quality and cost of the headstone.

Here is why purchasing a headstone directly from a reputed monument company is better than relying on other providers:

Costly Chain Of Purchases

From your experience of purchasing other products such as a car, fridge or even your groceries, you must have noticed that the longer the chain of businesses involved in the process, the costlier the product becomes. For example, if you purchase a car from an agent rather than the manufacturing company, the agent will purchase it from a dealer who would have bought the car from a manufacturer. As a result, the expenses and profit margins of the dealer and the agent will be added to the final costs and be passed on to you.

Similarly, some memorial companies do not have their own designers or craftsmen, and the costs of involving professional designers or engravers will be passed on to you. A reputable monument company eliminates the need for involving other professionals as they have their own team of craftsmen and designers. Additionally, these companies can also offer you an array of additional options through their superior knowledge.

Thus, it is advised that you do sufficient research regarding the memorial provider you choose to save yourself the extra costs.

Inferior Quality Of Online Purchases

It is very rare for online businesses to sell premium quality memorials. Due to a lack of financial resources, they often settle for cheaper headstones and these are then sold to you. Unfortunately, there isn’t a way you can ascertain a headstone’s quality when ordering online as there is no way you can vividly see or touch it. And once it is delivered, these stores will rarely give you a return or replacement opportunity.

Unfortunately, these cheap headstones often come with flaws such as early deterioration and discolouration. Moreover, it is hard to engrave or etch the headstones and they are likely to lose their sharpness and charm during the process.

Contrarily, a professional company like Summit Memorials offers lifetime guarantees and uses only A-grade granite that retains the headstone’s appearance. Hence, quality and peace of mind are a sure case with us.

Regulations Risks And Resulting Penalties

What local and foreign online store owners fail to understand is that local cemeteries have certain regulations governing the types of memorials approved for installation in their cemeteries. If the personalized headstone you have ordered does not meet these regulations, it can neither be used nor returned.

In contrast, monument companies have deep business relationships with cemeteries . Hence, they completely understand these regulations and will ensure that all the necessary requirements are met.

Resultantly, purchasing your headstones from a reputed memorial company will help you avoid the struggle of comprehending regulations at a difficult time.

Costs Of Hiring Headstone Installation Specialists

Lastly, most online companies do not provide placement services. Thus, the responsibility comes upon the family to install the headstone. However, upright monuments and even some pillow monuments require special equipment to be installed. So families will either need to rent or buy the equipment or hire a professional to do it. Consequently, the costs increase further.

Once you entrust the matter to a monument company like Summit Memorials, all you will have to do is sit back while we do the work.

About Summit Memorials

Honouring a deceased loved one is an important matter and we understand that it has to be done in the best way possible. Get to know more about Summit Memorials and the array of memorial options they provide. Contact us now to get a personalized memorial.


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